I am creating the photo album page backgrounds digitally using layer styles; pattern overlay techniques, this involves using scanned textures in imaging software and managing the noise levels, blending modes and opacity levels to create as realistic a paper look as possible; drop shadows, enabling the illusion of depth and a gap between 'paper' levels, again using blending modes, opacity and also distance and softness levels; inner shadows, using a screen blending mode instead of a multiply mode to help create the illusion of the edge of paper standing out, augmented again using opacity, distance and softness levels.
We have selected and scanned a number of different paper textures and colours for use in creating the backgrounds, main characters and background characters.
Paper Textures.
We have decided on using different papers for different elements in the film. The backgrounds will use wallpaper textures, the main characters of Dwayne and his daughter will be textured with tissue paper and the background characters will use mulberry paper. This will hopefully make them distinct while related.
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