Monday, 29 January 2018

Animation Production

This week we began our new semester and received a production tracking series of sheets. These sheets include;

  • Asset Tracking: a list of the different elements that need to be created broken down into Props, Backgrounds, Characters and Effects. My film has one main character, numerous props, very few drawn backgrounds and lots of effects.
  • Animation Tracking: the finished animatic broken down by scene with a frame and second count.
  • Comp Tracking: any required compositing broken down by scene with a frame and second count.
  • Background Tracking: any required backgrounds broken down by scene with a frame and second count.
  • Schedule: a gantt chart displaying the time schedule for the production with elements like character design, rough animation and sound design to name a few, broken down by colour and how long each element will take.
  • Stats Sheet: a master sheet giving the start and end date for each element of production with total number of scenes and a breakdown of how many seconds of animation are required each day and week in order to complete production.
Each sheet has cells to indicate at what stage each element is in the production schedule, from WIP (Work in progress) to approved for animation and comping and; rough, cleanup, approved for props, characters and backgrounds.

Stats sheet

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